Exploring Newer Features for Heating and Cooling Systems

Exploring Newer Features for Heating and Cooling Systems

Steps For Homeowners To Improve HVAC Performance

Jessie Nichols

HVAC problems are some of the most disruptive and costly issues your home may encounter. While preventing or addressing some of these issues will be simple, homeowners will need to be informed about the warning signs and risks that routine HVAC issues may pose.

Seal The Windows

While your windows may seem unrelated to your HVAC system, they will play an integral role in determining its overall effectiveness. This results from the powerful impact that drafts can have on a home's air conditioning system. Sealing the windows is one of the most cost-effective and impactful ways that you can improve the overall performance of your home's HVAC system. When you are applying the seal to the edge of the windows, you will need to test to ensure that you have fully closed any drafts. This may seem tricky, but using a light or candle can make it easy as the draft may cause the flame to flicker enough for you to notice.

Keep Enough Space For The Vents

Placing furniture or other bulky items near the vents of your HVAC system can severely decrease the effectiveness of the system. This is due to the fact that these items will fully block the air coming out of the vents or redirect it so that it will not flow through the room in an even manner. Preventing this will require leaving several feet of clearance between the vents and the nearest furniture items. In addition to the placement of furniture, your location of the vents should also be a factor when placing fans or other appliances that can circulate the air, as this will determine the direction that the fan should blow.

Avoid Running An Air Conditioning System With Performance Issues

Once your air conditioning system experiences a performance issue or starts to behave erratically, it should be turned off until a technician can service it. The mechanical components of an air conditioning system can come out of alignment, which may lead to major damage if the unit is operated before this is corrected. During extremely hot times of the year, having a window unit or portable air conditioning system to serve as an emergency backup can allow you to avoid any discomfort while you wait for your main air conditioning system to be serviced and repaired. Those living in tropical or other climates that experience summer temperature extremes will find that this can be an extremely useful backup appliance to keep in storage.

For more information, reach out to your local residential HVAC services.


2024© Exploring Newer Features for Heating and Cooling Systems
About Me
Exploring Newer Features for Heating and Cooling Systems

When my heating ventilation and air conditioning system began to hiccup last summer, I feared the worst. The technician who checked it confirmed my fears. If I didn't replace the unit soon, it would be a mighty chilly winter. That spurred me to start looking at new systems. What I found were several features my older unit did not have. The unit that I ultimately settled on automatically switches from heating to cooling based on the temperature setting. I can also reset the thermostat remotely or program it to change settings during the day. Winter turned out to be very comfortable at my house, thanks to that new unit. If you are in the market for a new HVAC system, let's talk. I'll give you some pointers on how to find the right one for your home.
