Exploring Newer Features for Heating and Cooling Systems

Exploring Newer Features for Heating and Cooling Systems

  • Preparing Your Air Conditioner For Hurricane Season

    Hurricane season can mean damage to your air conditioning system, but there are some things you can do to minimize potential damage caused by heavy wind, rain, and flying debris. Work with your AC repair technician to prep your unit, and use this guide to tackle some of the prep on your own. Check Bolts And Fasteners Your air conditioner should be securely fastened to the ground with bolts. Check to make sure the bolts are tightened and replace any that might be rusty or damaged.

  • Cool For The Rest Of Summer: 3 Awesome Air Conditioning Hacks To Keep Cool At Summer's End

    As the days get hotter, your AC is working harder, but the summer will come to an end soon. For the last days of summer, you want to reduce your energy costs that rise when using the AC. Some simple solutions are turning the thermostat up a couple of degrees, ventilating your home as nights get cooler and sealing everything up during the hottest hours of the day. Here are some awesome cooling hacks to keep you cool and reduce strain on your AC as summer comes to an end:

  • Four Reasons Why Your Air Conditioner Isn't Cooling Effectively This Summer

    During the hot summer months, a properly functioning AC unit is a necessity. Unfortunately, AC equipment can sometimes suffer malfunctions when it is working extra hard as temperatures rise outside. If you've noticed that your AC unit is not as effective as it should be at cooling your home, you'll want to pinpoint the problem ASAP. The following are four possible reasons why an AC unit might not be able to effectively cool a home's interior air:

  • How To Prevent Yourself From Being Without Air Conditioning This Summer

    The last thing you want to have happen during a heat wave is to suddenly find yourself without a functioning air conditioner. Of course, this is something that can happen, especially if you are not keeping an eye out for all of the signs that indicate that your air conditioning unit is experiencing some difficulties. To help make sure that you are going to spot trouble as soon as possible, so such troubles can be dealt, you will want to check out the following signs of trouble.

  • Tips For Repairing PVC Plumbing Pipes In Your Home For The First Time

    If your home has a PVC pipe that has broken and needs to be replaced, then this is a simple repair that any homeowner can make. Even if you do not have any experience working with plumbing, you can make this repair using inexpensive parts and tools from your local hardware or home improvement store.  To repair your PVC pipe, follow this procedure: Step 1: Gather All of the Necessary Tools and Supplies to Complete the Repair

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Exploring Newer Features for Heating and Cooling Systems

When my heating ventilation and air conditioning system began to hiccup last summer, I feared the worst. The technician who checked it confirmed my fears. If I didn't replace the unit soon, it would be a mighty chilly winter. That spurred me to start looking at new systems. What I found were several features my older unit did not have. The unit that I ultimately settled on automatically switches from heating to cooling based on the temperature setting. I can also reset the thermostat remotely or program it to change settings during the day. Winter turned out to be very comfortable at my house, thanks to that new unit. If you are in the market for a new HVAC system, let's talk. I'll give you some pointers on how to find the right one for your home.
